128 search results for: /immigration

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128 search results for: /immigration


What Offenses are Deportable for Immigration?

The U.S. Immigration and Nationality Act (I.N.A.) specifies different offenses that are deportable for immigration, and they include criminal convictions such as aggravated felonies, crimes of moral turpitude, drug offenses, firearms crimes, and domestic violence. In addition, deportation is possible if a person is here unlawfully and also for fraud, e.g., a green card marriage. […]


What Is the U Visa?

The U.S. Congress implemented the U Visa program to encourage undocumented immigrants who are victims of certain types of crimes to assist law enforcement authorities in the prosecution of those crimes. Without the protections that the U Visa provides, it is believed that immigrants would be less likely to report crimes out of fear that […]


What Qualifies for a T Visa?

Immigrants who are victims of sex or labor trafficking may be eligible to apply for a T Visa. If their application is approved, they will be able to remain in the United States pending the resolution of the trafficking investigation. T visa recipients are eligible to receive public benefits such as SSI and food stamps, […]
