128 search results for: /immigration

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128 search results for: /immigration


How Can Children Born Abroad Receive U.S. Citizenship?

Becoming an American citizen and putting down roots in Florida can be a wonderful and fulfilling achievement, but the experience may feel incomplete if you have children who were not born in the United States and are not citizens. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service explains that children of parents who are citizens typically receive citizenship by […]


What are the Different Types of Work Visas?

There are numerous different types of work visas that immigrant workers can apply for, depending on the type of job desired. According to the American Immigration Council, foreign workers may apply for a visa based on temporary or permanent work. Temporary Work For temporary jobs, the visa is valid for a limited amount of time and […]


Updated visa application process includes social media review

New rules regarding social media and visa applications mean you might need to be very careful about what you post if you’re immigrating into the country. Florida companies recruiting international employees may benefit and save time with an understanding of updates to the H-1B visa requirements. Applicants should also expect changes in the visa qualification […]


Employers targeted for ICE inspections and possible prosecutions

Employers are being targeted for ICE inspections across Florida. Caught up in “worksite enforcement surges” conducted by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, employers in Florida and across the U.S. may face possible charges. The ICE claims that its primary goal is to find and prosecute employers who use or rely upon the illegal employment of immigrants […]
