128 search results for: /immigration

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128 search results for: /immigration


Are You Eligible for an Investment Visa?

Investors often look to America for new enterprising opportunities. There are so many promising startups and plenty of innovative people. It is no wonder business immigration visas are a hot topic. Today we will look at investment visas in particular. We will focus on learning more about eligibility. First, this type of visa is available […]


How much is the investment requirement for an EB-5 visa?

International investors seeking commercial opportunities in Florida must commit at least $900,000 toward a new business when applying for an EB-5 visa. Effective November 21, 2019, the minimum investment amount increased from its prior amount of $500,000.  Every five years, the capital requirement may increase to adjust with inflation. You may need to add to […]


Supreme Court may hold future of DACA in its hands

The upcoming DACA Supreme Court Decision may determine the fates of millions of immigrants. Many people in Florida may well know someone who has come to the United States from another country. Whether from Cuba, Guatemala, Italy, Iran, China, or some other country, countless immigrants have established businesses, raised their children, attended college and more […]


Is a same-sex marriage recognized in the green card process?

Is it easy, or even possible, to get a same-sex marriage green card in the United States? LBGTQ rights have certainly progressed over the past 30 years, including federal recognition of same-sex marriages. Yet LGBTQ immigrants still face unique challenges, especially as their marriage relates to their visa or resident status.  Unfortunately, this is one […]
